Everything has to start somewhere...
Foraging for ingredients for spells, potions and kitchen witchery is all part of the fun. You don't have to be naked in the moonlight gathering what you need. You can start in your kitchen cupboard.
Sage, Bay leaves, and other herbs and spices can all be sourced from the local supermarket. When you are a baby witch, this is a good place to start. Or if you have the space a small herb garden on a window ledge then this can be used for an endless supply of fresh herbs.
Not all witches follow the wheel of the year. Or acknowledge the moon phases, equinoxes. It is very personal to you how you practice. I personally follow the wheel and seasons by giving thanks for the bounty available at the appropriate season. Small offerings, a bonfire or sea swim all help me to feel connected to nature and one with my self.
You may have heard of a Book of Shadows (BOS) or a Grimoire. These terms are how you record your practice and save all your spells recipes and chants.
A book of mirrors is what you record all your reflections in. where these is darkness (shadow work) there is also Light. shadow work is just examining both side of your practice dark and light. While we swear by the wiccan read do no harm. Some may choose a darker path. I advise against this as what you put out you get back times three.
The basics
Grounding, Calling Quarters, Meditations and Tools.
Herbs and Spices
Correspondence, Uses and in Spell Work.
Candle and Colour Magic
Correspondence, Uses and Types.